What we do best:
We specialize in Cross Cultural Tours and Experiences in the Phoenix Area designed to share the Arizona Story while improving life for Arizonans and people across the globe.
Hi guys, my name is Lori Ann! Being a descendant of movers and shakers that settled the west and Arizona, history is in my blood! Some people grew up on fairytales, but I grew up on the journals of ancestors moving west, visiting their stomping grounds, and benefiting from the legacies they left behind. The story continues and I am here to tell it! Each of my tours is an artistically crafted experience designed to unveil our colorful history and connect you to present day history makers through all of the senses. Come taste, touch, see & Experience Phoenix! Come Arizona ing with me! My Secret Agenda and the iNG Thing: I want to connect people to humanity by providing cultural experiences that invite my guests to see the world through different eyes.
Long story short: Tourism is magic when it comes to crossing cultural barriers and helping us humans understand each other. Understanding is the beginning of peace . . . and I really like that idea. We aim to build a sense of global community as we share a variety of perspectives woven throughout our Arizona story! Short story Long: In 2016 I had a life changing experience while visiting Budapest. Our local guide, Gyorgi, told his story of how his parents had been able to disguise their lineage during WWII. This resulted in him not knowing he was Jewish until he was 15 years old. Gyorgi, and other guides have helped me to see the world from different perspectives. What I have realized is that there is power in travel and sharing stories. While governments try to create laws to force behaviours, we as individuals within the human race have the power to willfully change our own behaviours as we come to understand each other better. . . all while we break bread together, look at murals and have a ton of fun! Interested in international tours as well? On our off season Europe is where we play!
Special thanks to my friend John Jacquemart!
While snooping around downtown Phoenix digging up unique stories for tours, I got a call from my now friend John Jacquemart offering his help. His help has been invaluable! John is a local historian who has witnessed the transformation of Phoenix for decades. His signature is on a number of projects around town from the historic preservation of neighborhoods to specific ethnic studies done for the state of Arizona. He has provided me with out of date publications, access to archives, old newspapers, and multiple drives through the streets of Phoenix providing authentic stories and insight all the way. He is a co-author of the recent book, "Phoenix Past & Present" and in my eyes is an unsung hero. Thank you John! |